THE PROJECT – The city
“SCI: moving to a new era in mankind”.
StarCity will be built in a country that meets certain requirements such as a stable social and political climate, openness and implementation of innovation and scientific promotion policies, abundant resources of clean energy production potential as well as an abundance of potential natural resources.
Many countries meet these requirements and they could have a chance to host this project if they show an interest in it. Among these countries, we believe that China could be one of the ideal countries to establish “SCI” for many reasons.
The mission of StarCity International (SCI) is to raise the basic standards of living and the application of science and technology and to push back the frontiers of knowledge in all fields of new sciences by synergistically uniting and coordinating the efforts of all scientists and geniuses of the planet who are working at the forefront of development, for the sole purpose of the betterment of humanity.
SCI is totally committed to make science and technology the driving force of social changes and development by making freely available and promoting the latest discoveries, which will ultimately result in freeing mankind from work and thus enabling humanity to enter a period of great peace, prosperity and happiness.
Many chalenges
Mainly due to its large and fast growing population, China has tremendous social challenges lying ahead: Shortage of lodging, water, food and energy combined to the need of a universal medical and health care system, broader and higher quality education, curb air and water pollution as well as other environmental concerns, are all problems that need to be resolved for China in order to sustain a fast and harmonious development.
Social system
Although it is gradually opening up to a free market, the communist ideology which utilizes a centralized planning and distribution system, is based on cooperation rather than competition and exploitation of the human being.
The Government is determined to enhance China’s capacity for independent innovation and turn the nation into an innovative country. The government is willing to improve the energy supply, resources, ecological and environmental conservation as well as China's capacity for sustainable development. Its efforts are aimed at promoting a balanced development among regions and improve the pattern of land development as well as the upgrading of the industrial structure. In addition, the government’s emphasis on promoting vigorous development and prosperity of a socialist culture based on harmony and civilized practices and accelerating the social development with a focus on improving people’s livelihood by giving priority to education, health care and social security. All these factors are in line with the philosophy of SCI.
China is facing social, economic and environmental challenges but has a political system and a strong leadership to implement workable and sustainable solutions that would raise the standard of living of all its population.